Term 2 Blog #56

Sunday, January 28, 2007

we did a little bit of shopping today..not much, but i got my mp3 player exchanged. muhahahaha. i polished it with violin polish and went to another future shop to exchange it. the scratches arent nearly so visible, and i put the original sticker back on the display screen to cover the huge scratch there. yes i noe, wat im doing is terrible, because some other unlucky person is gonna buy it after they repair it and they'll get a scratched mp3 player. i feel sorry for them. but its not me. so i dont really care!
we bought the knitting needles and yarn today, since we have to do knitting in school tmw. theres a french test tmw too! nooooooooooooooo. i didnt study. well, i'll just study later. our blocks will rotate on monday. i hop i have french after lunch. too lazy to check... i'll just study french right now, after i do this blog.
i played the piano for 2 hours today cuz my teacher started a new song and i liked it. well, actually, i would like any song after playing the same 6 songs for 4 months. there are 2 songs in the grade 7 chinese repertoire book (that's grade 9 here) and they sound really good! although my teacher didnt assign them to me, i'll just play them. darn donno their names in english. actually, i noe one of their names.. turkish march, composed by mozart. and the other ones is...something like night song or song of the night or...w/e... its composed by chopin. very pretty. and i like it!!!!!!