Term 3 Blog #32

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

OMG IM SO TIRED. JE SUIS FATIQUE. aaaaaahhh. eyes drooping.
my god! my eyes are so heavy!
mon dieu! mes yeux sont tres lourd!
わたし の そら! わたし の め は とても おもい です!
我的天阿! 我的眼睛很重阿!
haha i love doing this. im so proud :D. but i still dont noe chinese, french, and japanese to its entirety. well, in chinese, i can come up with any kind of sentences i was as long as i noe the words, but i still cant read 30%-40% of the words in a novel and i usually forget how to say/write the words even when i noe them. as for french, i can't make up any kind of sentence...only the ones that ive been taught. i noe, probably, only 5% of french. maybe less even...and for japanese, i noe even less. but im learning!! technically, in those phrases above, it should be "eyelids" instead of "eyes". but i dont noe how to say that in japanese. :'( well, i can always check it up.
ooh i found something that the snob doesnt noe that i noe! japanese!! i bet he doesnt noe japanese other than konichiwa, sayonara, and arigato [gozaimasu]. or maybe he noes ohayo [gozaimasu] , oyasumi [nasai], and shitsurei [shimasu] as well...those are quite common. do u noe them?? oh do u noe why i put part of the word in brackets?? if u dont, i bet the snob doesnt. well anyways, why am i trying to find something im better at than the snob??? i dont even like him. its _______ who should be doing this.