do you know how unreasonable my parents are?? i prink out 1 SINGLE MEASELY PIECE OF PAPER WITH only text on it on my ink-jet printer, and they think its a crime. PRINT WITH YOUR LASER PRINTER!! they said. my laser printer makes all these ugly marks and URGGHHH!!! they TOOK AWAY MY ALLOWANCE!! FOREVER!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i am soooooooooooo angray. I REALLY WISH I CAN TAKE A KNIFE AND STAB THEM IN THEIR HEADS...well, maybe not. BUT I FEEL EXCEEDINGLY ANGRY. they're two angry hipoppotomuses out to get me.
Term 2 Blog #84
Wednesday, February 28, 2007Posted by Anonymous at 7:36 pm 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight
Chapter 4 Section 1 Economic Patterns
1. Locate: Antwerp, Bruges, Genoa, Florence, Venice.
Antwerp:norther German, near Hamburg and Bruges.
Bruges: west of Antwerp
Genoa: South-eastern France
Florence: near Italy
Venice: northern Italy
2. Identify: Hanseatic League
an association of 80 large towns and cities in norther Germany that banded together for protection and trade purposes.
3. Define: charter, guild, just price, apprentice, journeyman.
guide: an association of merchants and artisans that governed the town
just price: a price which includs the cost of materials plus a reasonable profit for the merchant.
apprentice: a student who learned the trade from a master craftsman who was a guild member
journeyman: a crafts man who earned wages by working for a master craftsman while he perfected his skills.
4. Where were the main trade centers during the early Middle Ages?
Troyes, the Hanseatic League; Northern Germany
5. How did the nobles of Champagne encourage trade fairs?
they provided protection for people traveling to fairs, rented booths to merchants and hired money changers.
6. List three rights town charters usually gave townspeople.
First, they paid the lord a fixed money of rent instead of many separate fees. Second, they prevented the lord from seizing the property of townspeople. Third, they permitted towns to set up special courts for commerical cases.
7. a. What economic role did the guilds play in the towns?
They governed prices and wages in the towns, maintained standards of quality on good produced and sold in town, and restricted the activities of foreign merchants.
b. What social role did they play?
They protected their members and imposed standards of quality to protect the public. They sponsored entertainment on religious feast days and contributed to the building and repair of the local church.
Posted by Anonymous at 5:14 pm 0 comments
Labels: Grade Eight, Social Studies
Chapter 3 Section 4 The Medieval Church
1. Identify: Pease of God, Inquisition, Rule of St. Benedict, Hilda, Francis of Assisi, Dominic, Book of Kells, Albigensians.
Peace of God: periods of peace between Friday and Sunday.
Inquisition: a special court used to try people accused of heresy or holding beliefs that differed from those of the Church.
Rule of St. Benedict: a monk shall not have anything of his own...neither a book, nor tablets, nor a pen.
Hilda:" a nunn who achieved lasting fame.
Francis of Assisi: a wealthy young man who decided to dedicate his life to poverty and service.
Dominic: a Spanish priest who founded a new order of monks.
Book of Kells: a beautiful illuminated manuscript designed to glorify the Christian faith.
Albigensians: people in southern France who condemned the Church for its worldiness.
2. Define: sacrament, excommunication, simony
sacraments: the seven sacred rites, which were administered by teh Church through the parish priest
excommunication: christians who disobeyed the Church faced the threat of not being able to receive the sacraments.
simony: the buying and selling of religious offices.
3. What two tasks faced the Church in teh early Middle Ages?
One is converting non-Christians, and the other was adjusting the Church organization to new conditions.
4. Describe two ways in which the Church influenced feudal society.
The church officials gave blessings at ceremonies for knighthood, the marriage ceremony was performed in the Church, and knights waged war in the name of Christian ideals.
5. WHy did Christians believe the sacraments were important?
They needed sacraments to find salvation. In salvation, you could go to the everlasting life in heaven.
6. List two ways in which religious orders improved medieval life.
Monastery farms often experimented with new agricultural techniques, and monasteries and convents welcomed travelers.
Posted by Anonymous at 9:48 am 0 comments
Labels: Grade Eight, Social Studies
Chapter 3 Section 3 Life on the Manor
1. Identify: three-field system, trial by combat, trial by ordeal.
Three-field system: a system that peasants use to make sure that their soil won't dry out every year.
Trial by combat: when a knight challenges another knight in a battle.
Trial by ordeal: a trial involving a physical test.
2. Define: manor, serf, demesne, bailiff.
manor: the lands aministered by a lord.
serf: peasants who were tied to the land
demesne: the land of a lord
bailiff: an agent who managed the lord's smaller estates
3. a. List two duties a lord had toweard his peasants.
He is supposed to protect his peasants and provide justice through the manor court.
b. List three obligations a peasant owed the lord.
Peasants spend 3 days a week working for the lord. They had to pay rent for the land they farmed on. They also had to pay fees to use the mill and for grinding grain.
4. How did the three-field system make farming more efficient?
the soil won't dry.
5. Describe two customs that influenced feudal justice.
There was trial by order and trial by combat.
Posted by Anonymous at 9:40 am 0 comments
Labels: Grade Eight, Social Studies
Chapter 3 Section 2 Feudal Society
1. Define: feudalism, knight, lord, vassal, feudal contract, fief, chivalry, troubadour.
Feudalism--system of rule by local lords who were bound to a king by ties of loyalty; developed in Western Europe during the Middle Ages.
Knight: mounted warriors who served for a lord, a greater noble.
Lord: a greater noble than a knight
Vassal: a lesser lord who divides his land among his own vassals.
Feudal Contract: the rules that evolved from the ways a lord governs his knights, vassals, and peasants.
Fief: estate
Chivalry: the code of conduct for a knight
Troubadour: wandering poets
2. How did the stirrup affect that nature of warfare?
The stirrup allowed people to sit on horses comfortably, so that they could concentrate more on the war ahead of them.
3. a. What duties did a vassal have?
The duties of a vassal was to give his lord military service, around 40 days a year. He would also serve his lord on holidays and special occasions.
b. What were the responsibilities of a lord?
A lord gives the vassal the rights to his fief, and he performed the ceremony whenever a fief was granted.
4. a. Where did feudalism develop first?
feudalism developed out of German customs
b. Where was feudalism weakest?
It is weakest where the loyalty of the peasants was concerned.
5. List three cuases of feudal warfare.
Nobles want the lands of the other's. Powerful lords competed for more power. It was all for Greed, honor, and family feuds.
6. How did the treatment of women change in the 1100s?
The code of chivalrly placed them on a pedestal as object to be cherished and protected. Troubadours wrote poems and songs about them.
Posted by Anonymous at 9:27 am 0 comments
Labels: Grade Eight, Social Studies
Chapter 3 Section 1 The German Kingdoms
1. Locate: Pyrenees Mountains, Tours, Aachen.
Pyrenees mountains are in the border between Spain and France. Tours is near Paris. Aachen is east of Paris.
2. Identify: Clovis, Charles Martel, Charlemagne, Alcuin, Treaty of Verdun, Danelaw.
Clovi is the king of the Kingdom of the Franks, a small German tribe.
Charles Martel is the Frankish Mayor of the Palace.
Charlemagne is the grandson of Charles Martel, and a great King.
Alcuin is a learned Anglo-Saxon monk who set up a palace school to teach Charlemagne's children.
Treaty of Verdun is a treaty which divided Charlemagne's empire into three.
Danelaw is a part of England which is occupied by the Vikings.
3. Define: heretic, missi dominici, parish, tithe, illumination.
Heretic--untrue Christians
Missi Dominici--the lord's messengers
Parish--rural districts with its own priest
Tithe-10 percent of Christians' encome paid to the Church
Illumination--the decoration of the first letter of a paragraph with brilliant designs.
4. List two ways in which government in the German kingdoms differed from Roman government.
The Roman kingdom was democatic while the German kingdoms used feudalism. The Roman kingdoms was older then the German kingdoms.
5. List three steps taken by Charlemagne to improve learning.
First, he invited scholars from all over Europe to his court. Then he issued ruels for the education of the clergy. Then, he made Monks make copies of the Bible and of the surviving ancient Greek and Roman texts.
6. What g roups invaded Western Europe in the eighth and ninth centuries?
The German kingdoms of the Franks, the Viking raiders, the Danes.
Posted by Anonymous at 9:13 am 0 comments
Labels: Grade Eight, Social Studies
Chapter 3: Foundations of Medieval Europe (500-1050)
Tuesday, February 27, 2007Recalling Facts
The battle of Tours was important because it:
a. stopped the Muslim advance into Europe
Charlemagne sent tout missi domiici to
c. check on the administration of justice and defense
After Charlemagne’s death, his empire was
b. attacked by Vikings
A vassals chief role is to:
a. The vassal gave his military service.
A peasant owed
a. A tithe
One way the Church disciplined its critics was by
b. excommunication
Chapter Checkup
1. What steps did Charlemagne take to:
a) improve government and unify the empire?
He defeated the Lombards who had occupied Italy, won northern Spain from the Muslims, battled the non-Christian Saxons in the north, and defeated the Avars and occupied their land. He recruited talented officials, called Royal officials, called missi dominici, or lord’s messengers, checked on local nobles. He also established uniform laws.
b) Revive learning?
Charlemagne invited scholars to his court. He invited a learned Anglo-Saxon monk and set up a palace school to teach his schildren and the nobel’s children. He made rules for the education of clergies, and ordered monasteries to establish libraries and schools. Students learned Latin.
2. What happened to Charlemagne’s empire after his death?
His empire weakened because of the fighting among themselves. Later, his grandsons drew a treaty which divided the kingdom into three parts. The Vikings and Muslims later took over.
a. Why did feudalism develop in Western Europe?
The nobles needed to govern his estates properly, and they needed an agreement that would apply to them all.
b. How did feudalism become more complex?
It became complex because of the practice of subdividing fiefs. The nobles fought for the estate of the other’s, and the fighting fragmented power.
a. What rights did noblewomen have in feudal society?
The noblewomen had very few rights. They could inherit a fief, but they could not rule it. Her husband, father, or oldest son are the only people who are allowed to rule it.
b. What were their main duties?
Their main duties are to raise a large family, educate her daughters, entertain her husband’s guests, and feed them as well.
c. How did the lives of noblewomen and peasant women differ? How ere they similar?
d. Peasant women as well as noblewomen worked extremely hard. They gave birth to many children and endured the dangers of disease and warfare. Peasant women made food for her family, as well as sewed garments to keep her family warm. They sometimes worked in the fields. Noblewomen didn’t.
a. Describe a medieval manor.
Manors are set on the highest land, fortified. It could be of wood or stone.
b. In what ways was it self-sufficient?
Peasants grew grain for food and raised sheep for wool. Blacksmith made tools and weapons.
a. How did changes in methods and technology improve agriculture?
The heavy plow turned soil, horseshoe on horses meant that horses can be used for plowing. The watermill and windmill provided energy, and miners began producing lots of iron, which was used for farming tools.
b. What effect did the “Great Clearing” have?
The peasants are set free and it provided large areas for agriculture.
7. Describe how each of the following influenced life in the Middle Ages:
a. Parish priests
They helped care for the sick and poor. They also collected the tithe, or tax paid each year to the Church. They also served as teachers
b. “Peace of God”
The church demanded that warring nobles do no harm other people and that fighting must stop between Friday and Sunday each week.
c.Religious orders
Lots of people dedicated their lives to god, and monks took vows of chastity or purity.
For Further Thought
1. Expressing an Opinion
Do you think feudalism was an effective system for enforcing law and order? Why or why not?
I think it was quite an effective system, but not the fairest. In Canada, the democratic society allows everyone to be fairly equal with each other, but feudalism would have lots of upper-class people bullying lower-class people. Although it is not the best way to govern a country, it is still effective. It was orderly, and the country thrived under it.
2. Relating Past to Present
Why was the code of chivalry important in medieval society?
It was important because the nobles and the royal family depended on knights to be loyal. The code of chivalry made the knights obey the king and fight wars as they were told.
Are there any modern rules of conduct that might be considered a code of chivalry? Explain.
The fact that we all have to go to school every weekday is considered a code of chivalry, in my opinion. We learn so that we can act under the orders of the president when we grow up. L
3. Taking a Stand
In the fifteenth century, some people referred to the early Middle Ages as the “Dark Ages” because they thought civilization had disappeared after the fall of Rome. Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
I agree and disagree at the same time. After the Fall of Rome, Europe was plunged into an age of wars and famine. But after Charlemagne conquered, there was an age of piece. After Charlemagne died, Europe went into another age of wars and battles.
4. Applying Information
The Medieval Church has often been described as the heir of the Roman Empire. What evidence supports this view?
The Medieval Church helped maintain order in Europe as well as calm people down. For example, warring nobles were not allowed to fight between Friday and Sunday. This helped calm people down. They also maintained order and provided education. Priests, normally ordinary people, were educated, and in turn, they educated other people.
Developing Basic Skills
1. Map Reading
Study the map on page 43. Then answer the following questions:
a. What information does the map provide?
It gives us a map of Charlemagne's Empire. The land in yellow is the Kingdom of the Franks, and the land in brown is Conquests of Charlemagne.
b. Describe the territories Charlemagne added to his empire.
Charlemagne added half of Italy, the border of Spain, and a little of north Germany.
c. What do you think prevented further expansion?
I think the Vikings fought back, as well as other people.
d. How did the Treaty of Verdun affected Charlemagne's empire?
The treaty of Verdun divided Charlemagne's land into 3, and those 3 were ruled by his sons. This caused the county to crash.
2. Using Diagrams
The diagram on page 49 illustrates many common features of medieval manors. Study it carefully and answer the following questions:
a. What major buildings were located on a manor?
The Lord's mill, the Pasture, and the Church.
b. How was manor land used?
Lots of it were for farms. There was Spring Planting and Fall Planting.
c. Why do you think peasants were given strips of land in different fields?
They were given strips of land in different fields so that they can grow different crops in the different strips of land. The soil won't wear out that way.
d. How does the diagram show that the manor was self sufficient?
The have food provided, the Church provides education, the Lord governs everyone, and they generate their own energy from the Lord's Mill.
3. Making Generalizations
Reread the feature on page 50 and the discussion of life on the manor on pages 49 - 50. Then answer the following questions to make generalizations about peasant life:
a. What three facts support the generalizations that peasants worked very hard?
The whole family works on the farm, year round. Bodo and Wido (his son) works on the farmed land while Ermentrude (his wife) sews, spins wool, heared the sheep, and watched her two smallest children.
b. Make a generalization about the payments the peasants owed their lord.
I think it is quite a burden to give their lord money, as giving tax is to us.
c. What generalization can you make about peasants' leisure time?
I don't think they have much leisure time at all. Their leisure time must be between the time the eat dinner and the time they sleep. They probably would huddle around the fireplace after dinner and read a book.
Posted by Anonymous at 10:26 pm 0 comments
Labels: Grade Eight, Social Studies
Term 2 Blog #83
ahhhh sooooooo sleepy. it seems i never have time these days. gotta finish socials.. i decided to finish 1 chapter every two days, but it doesnt seem to work. i have yet to do number seven for chapter checkup, for further thought, and developing basic skills. karen finished it, but i havent. i suppose i'll plan tmw like this:
7:00 AM wake up, eat, brush teeth blah...and do SOCIALS
8:00 AM ride bus/walk to school
9:00-12:35 SCHOOL DUHHH
12:35-1:35 eat lunch and study science
3:15-4:00 walk home from school
4:00-5:00 finish socials (and other homework, including math, catch up with japanese, french, chinese)
5:00-7:00 science fair project
7:00-8:00 eat dinner
8:00-9:00 piano...ahaha leaving it till last minute
9:00-wutever time i want to sleep--more science fair project
hmm its not in the least possible for me to get into the canada wide science fair, but theres a chance i'll get into the regionals. this year's canada wide science fair is gonna take place somewhere in nova scotia. and next year, its gonna be in ottawa. lets pretend i was a genius and got into the canada wide science fair this year. if i was given a choice as to which year i want to go, i would choose next year. OTTAWA!!!! AND THE PARLIAMENT~!!!!! nova scotia isnt very interesting is it?
and check out this site. i just made it today:
and this website: it has downloads of lots of manga and anime shows (including Full Metal Panic, Naruto, Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist, DN Angel, Death Note, Blood+, Black Cat, Gundam Seed, Gundam Seed Destiny, Gundam Wing, Tsubasa Chronicles, One Piece, Prince of Tennis, Shaman King....blah i can go on forever. gotta love those shows:
Posted by Anonymous at 9:41 pm 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight
Term 2 Blog #82
Monday, February 26, 2007wow quite a day...amy really believed me when i said i had a boyfriend during french AHAHAHAHAHA... but really, u shouldnt trust amy with anything. she'll tell dani. its like shes the ultimate leaker of secrets. well, dani is anyways...hmmm
anyways, im gonna have to go eat dinner now.
Posted by Anonymous at 6:48 pm 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight
Term 2 Blog #81
Sunday, February 25th, 2006
dope dope dope dope forgot to do a blog again. anyways, this evening was really fun. well not evening, afternoon. karen, carmen, fred, and i went to see ghost hunter in silvercity riverport. my mom thought that fred was karen's boyfriend cuz my dad misheard me saying dat he's carmens friend. CARMEN'S FRIEND, NOT BOYFRIEND. but i really want them to get together.
the movie was sooo good. PG 14 movies are the best!!! they're so much better than the G and PG movies.
Posted by Anonymous at 6:38 pm 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight
Term 2 Blog #82 (Multimediab Blog #13)
Saturday, February 24, 2007yay!!! i finished my tessellation project (math project) today!! well, almost finished. i still need ink to be put into my inkjet printer #1, or a cord to be bought for my inkjet printer #2. now, in my living room, theres a new computer with an LCD screen on the left, a Brother HL-1440 Laser Printer next to it (to the right), an Epson Stylus CX4800 Inkjet Printer All-In-One next that my laser printer, a HP Deskjet F335 All-In-One printer next to that, and a computer with a normal monitor next to that.
oh wanna noe more about my new computer? its called HP Pavillion A1440N Multimedia Personal Computer. Windows XP Media Center Edition, 220 GB storage space, 2 GB RAM, with Windows Vista Premium free update. muhahahaha windows vista. i like computers. and tv's. and printers and scanners. VCR players, DVD players, VCD players, radios..and mouses? computer mouse.. its not mice is it? computer mice sounds so weird. ok, mouses keyboards, ahhh cant think of any more electronics. w/e. i just want to make it clear dat i luv technology. the end.
since this is a multimedia blog, heres a picture of hitsugaya:
Class: Captain (or in jap, taichou)
Title: Captain Hitsugaya of the 10th Division Shinigami
Height: 133 cm
Weight: 28 kg
Birthday: December 20th (wow, Julianne's birthday)
Posted by Anonymous at 10:55 pm 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight
Term 2 Blog #81
Friday, February 24, 2007
friday!!! nooooooooooooooo tmw is saturday. i dread piano lessons. the teacher is nice, but i dread the lessons still.. n i have got to finish my science fair display still. anyways, sunday is gonna be a goood day.
japanese didnt go very well. i missed a major lesson on japanese adjectives and now i have to catch up.
Posted by Anonymous at 10:48 pm 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight
Term 2 Blog #80
Thursday, February 22, 2007owww my back hurts ... and I LIKE WINDOWS LIVE MESSENGER!!! u can view contacts by their names!!! saves me the trouble of asking ppl who they are (cuz i forget their emails sometimes). ooh an i found out wut ms hu's personal email was!!! its!!! thats very surprising. CARO!!!!! TARO!!!! MARO!!! MARSHMELLOW!!! ARO BARO CARO DARO EARO FARO GARO HARO IARO JARO KARO LARO MARO NARO OARO PARO RARO SARO TARO UARO VARO WARO XARO YARO ZARO. darn only taro works. w/e
OOOH DID I MENTION THAT MY FAMILY'S APARTMENT IN CHINA BECAME PART OF DOWNTOWN (AND CENTRAL DOWNTOWN AT THAT) ??? we bought the apartment 10 years ago, and we left it when we came to canada. now, the guangzhou government made that street into downtown..sort of. they sealed off the street on which my apartment is on to make the whole thing a sidewalk. no cars are allowed. its just so that ppl can shop around. gosh that aparment is gonna be worth a lot. a subway station is building near it too. MUHHAHAHAHA WE'LL WAIT A BIT LONGER AND THAT APARTMENT IS GONNA SELL!!! no doubt.
Posted by Anonymous at 9:09 pm 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight
Term 2 Blog #79
Wednesday, February 21, 2007AHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOO GONNA HAVE TO RE-DO MY SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT DISPLAY BOARD!!!!! ARGGHH MS HU!!! I LOVE MY BACKGROUND!!! DONT MAKE ME DO ONE SINGLE SOLID COLOUR!! OMFG AHHHH IM GONNA SWEAR NOW. ALL THE SWEAR WORDS I CAN THINK OF... BI*CH, BASTARD (this isnt really a swear word) H*LL, F*UCK, UM DARN, DANG, DAMN, DAMMIT, hmm anymore?? W/E... i just want everybody to know dat im extremely frustrated. when i finished the display, i thought i wont have to deal with it anymore, and here i am, trying to delete a whole bunch of text, while trying to think of an interesting way to present my info. I THINK IM GONNA DIE. NOW COME DIE WITH ME!! WHOEVER IS READING THIS BLOG WILL DIE WITH ME SOMEDAY. AND THAT SOMEDAY IS THE DAY BEFORE THE DISTRICT SCIENCE FAIR DATE!!!
Posted by Anonymous at 10:37 pm 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight
Term 2 Blog #78
Tuesday, February 20, 2007ahhh my back hurts. i put so much stuff into my backpack today. well, its not my back that hurts, its my shoulders. im gonan take a nice hot loooooooong bath today, to relax. well, gotta go play piano first tho. it turned out that there was no strings test today. mr. hill was away. i want all the teachers to be away as much as mr hill is away.
here are some things that i found out through karen (or not through karen) that is very very extremely interesting.
limwell is jonathan tsang's brother. i htink they are half chinese half ... malaysian? or indonesian? i noe, jonathan doesnt look malaysian, but limwell does.
sympascho asked julianne out once. julianne said "no"
carmen likes fred
limwell is in a group that pretends to fight in the middle of the street to make cars stop before them and honk at them.
kevin ma (in grade 9) flits with ...darn...forgot that girl's name. i was jealous.. NOT
after carmen finishes about half, or 3/4ths of her popsicle sticks, fred finishes them up

mr olson, u would not ever understand my parents cuz u dont live with them as their daughter. every set of parents treat u differently, and that applies for my parents too. they're very nice to me, but sometimes strict as well. actually, they're very nice to me. when they yell at me, they have a reason to. well, banning me from msn messenger is cruel, but i found a way around that. i used trillion instead!!
Posted by Anonymous at 6:19 pm 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight
Lesson 22: Genuine Listening
Translate this...
A translator helps people who speak different languages to understand each other. On the lines below, describe a situation that you feel strongly about and are willing to discuss with others. For example: angry about your unfair curfew. In groups of three, tell your story. One person will play the role of the Translator and listen genuinely to the emotional content and words. The Translator will then convey your feelings and words to the third person who will give a mirroring response back to you. When you have finished, switch roles so that each person gets to play the role of the Translator.
One thing I feel very strongly about is the amount of homework for high school students. Most of the time, they are jam-packed with homework, where finishing it means no sleep. They need to procrastinate every time and need to use every second of their time possible. The remaining time, they just sit around watching TV, as if they had no homework. The truth is, they do have homework, but it’s so little that they forget all about it. I think teachers should even out the amount of homework as much as possible, and only give the students maximum 1.5 hours of homework per day.
Get your family together and decide to practice listening with your heart this week. Discuss among your family how you all feel when you're really listened to.
OK, i'll do that during dinner.
Posted by Anonymous at 6:08 pm 0 comments
Labels: Grade Eight, Premier GO
Term 2 Blog #77
Monday, February 19, 2007I dont feel se good. my head is acheing. and my parents are yelling at me huh. about writing my blog late at night. :P i stick my tongue out at them and blow. u whould see me. heheh.
now wut do i do? i cant do my tessellation right. gonna try again soon...look in my textbook. we learned it last year. i forgot it all. argh argh cant remember how to do it...
i feel so down. its now that i have a lot ofh homework on top of me, its just that i dont feel happy. i feel sick. i dont wanna go to school tmw. or the day after tmw. i dont want to play pinao. i dont want to do my chinese homework. i dont want to do anything but sleep, eat, and relax with a good book.
Posted by Anonymous at 9:55 pm 1 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight
Term 2 Blog #76
Sunday, February 18, 2007HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!! ITS THE YEAR OF THE BOAR!! BOAR BOAR BOAR BOAR BOAR BOAR BOAR BOAR BOAR BOAR. MY PARENTS GIVE ME TEN BUCKAROOS!! tho they couldve given me more. AND I GOT A FREE GOLDEN PIGGY BANK muhahahahaha. i like the gold piggy bank. now i have a blue one as well as a gold one. im gonna save up for an ipod video when i go to the states during the summer. although i lost my mp3 player, im not that sad.
i cant wait until next sunday, when fred, carmen, karen, and i will watch ghost rider. i unno wut my dad will say when he drives fred to the movie theatre tho. hes a boy. ahh who cares. hes carmen's friend (or bf haha)
Posted by Anonymous at 9:47 pm 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight
Term 2 Blog #75 (Multimedia Blog #12)
oops forgot to write a blog yesterday:
Saturday, February 18, 2007
bad day today, bad day. i did so badly during my piano lesson. but my parents went to purdys and bought chocolates for me. yay!! they bought a lot of valentine's candy too. i dont like them. i'll just give them away. i feel so bad..i feel so sick. what wouldnt i give to read a good book by dan brown that i havent read already. or the fourth sisterhood of traveling pants book. my head is tired, and i dont wnna sleep...
My multimedia blog for today:
Posted by Anonymous at 9:44 pm 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight, Multimedia Blogs
Term 2 Blog #74
Friday, February 16, 2007i went to see a movie with karen today...we wanted to see ghost rider, but we ended up watching in search of happyness instead. cuz ghost hunter was PG 14. i didnt have my go-card, and even if i had it, i wouldnt be able to watch it. im 5 months away from being 14 years old. karen would have been able to see it tho.
we played dance dance revolution after. it was quite fun, but my foot hurt so much afterwards. i had this lumpy thing on the bottom of my foot, remember?
after my parents came back, i played piano, then went to sleep at 7 oclock. i woke up at 10 oclock, and did some cleaning up. still, theres a long way to go. when i took a look at my computer, i found that carmen, karen, and fred messaged me during the time that i was sleeping. they wanted to watch bridge to terabithia tmw or sunday. i didnt like bridge to terabithia, but i wanted to watch a movie with carmen and fred. darn, if _____ were here, it would have been sort of like a double date.
my mom said no to the movie at first, cuz i already went to one today. then, my dad said it was chinese new years, that i deserve a break. and so they said yes! we're gonna go next week or next next week still tho, cuz karen noes for certain that her parents would say no.
Posted by Anonymous at 11:05 pm 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight
Term 2 Blog #73
this is yesterday, Thursday February 15, 2006, 's blog:
blah im bored now.
Posted by Anonymous at 8:55 am 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight
Term 2 Blog #72
Wednesday, February 14, 2007Joyeuse la Saint-Valentin!!!
very romantic day today...well, not my romance tho. its carmens!!! im so happy for her. she likes someone...ahem i dont noe if im supposed to name him. karen and i told that person that she liked him, but he wont say anything about whether he likes her or not. still very interesting. i'll bug him about it during...uh no this is another clue... during ___________ tomorrow. yes. i'll get to talk to him face to face.
i really think valentines day is really a miracle. somehow, i'll get ____ to confess that he likes carmen. im soo happy for carmen!!!
Posted by Anonymous at 10:20 pm 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight
Term 2 Blog #71
Tuesday, February 13, 2007yay!!!! finished science project!!!! so happy!!!
now i shall knit. i'll knit now.. yup .. i slept at 8 oclock last night. so proud//
Posted by Anonymous at 10:41 pm 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight
Term 2 Blog #70
Monday, February 12, 2007bloggy number seventy. holly.
oooow my foot hurts sooo much. the lump on the bottom is really bothering me.. really.
im sleeping now. at 8 oclock. a rare thing for me
Posted by Anonymous at 7:40 pm 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight
Lesson 21: Listening Skills
Translate this...
A translator helps people who speak different languages to understand each other. On the lines below, describe a situation that you feel strongly about and are willing to discuss with others. For example: angry about your unfair curfew.
Oh my gosh!!! There’s so much homework in high school!! It is as if the teachers want the students to have sleepless nights just to finish their homework. Take me for example. It took me the whole day yesterday to finish the project, and we were given a very short period to actually type the stuff.
In groups of three, tell your story. One person will play the role of the Translator and listen genuinely to the emotional content and words. The Translator will then convey your feelings and words to the third person who will give a mirroring response back to you.When you have finished, switch roles so that each person gets to play the role of the Translator
Family Reflections
LESSON 21: As a family, do you sometimes find yourselves not listening to each other? Does your family use some of the same inattentive listening styles that you saw on the video?
Yes, I find that I don't listen to my father very much when he rants on about electricity. He loves electricity somehow...I know he's trying to teach my stuff, but I can NOT understand all that he says. its just soo boring.
Posted by Anonymous at 9:34 am 0 comments
Labels: Grade Eight, Premier GO
Lesson 20: Win-Win Agreements
Party 1:Karen Party 2:Wendy
What are the desired results?
To be able to watch a movie and go shopping on Friday
2. What are the available resources?
2 Free Movie tickets, money
3. What are the guidelines?
My parents drive us to Metrotown at 7 o’clock, and we come back after the movie
4. How will progress be seen? accountability?
When we are watching the movie and shopping
5. What are the consequences/ benefits if completed or not?
We would be happy!!! That is, if it is completed. If it isn’t completed, we’ll be sad
Family Reflections
LESSON 20: Are there any situations at home that could benefit or be guided more clearly by drawing up a win-win agreement?
Some situations are when I want to do something I want and my mom won't let me. For example, I want to watch a movie on pro-d day on this upcoming friday. To make up for that, I'll play an extra 20 minutes of piano everyday. My mom would be satisfied with that.
Posted by Anonymous at 9:23 am 0 comments
Labels: Grade Eight, Premier GO
Term 2 Blog #69
hmmm any other homework?? nah i dont think so.. but theres bound to be homework tmw. maybe not... i donno!!
Posted by Anonymous at 12:12 am 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight
Term 2 Blog #68 (Multimedia Blog #11)
Sunday, February 11, 2007ahh idnt write a blog yesterday. thats ok, i'll make up for it in this blog
yesterday, i was taking a bath just when joy called in. i mean, i wasnt in the shower yet, but she called. i answered, and sat on the toilet talking for a while.
then karen came with her mom and sister to test my parents. i was talking to joy (in the bathroom) !!! gosh... that was embarrassing. its a good thing that it wasnt anyone else.
i skipped piano and japanese this week cuz of the science fair project. i'll better start looking over it again. after this, im gonna start pasteing. yupp
oh there a pro d day on friday!!! i'll finish all my homework on thursday and do nothing on friday. actually, i was thinking karen, whether we could watch the movie on friday. my parents are going to pass metrotown when they drive to work, but thats quite early. umm thats around 7 oclock. well, if u want, we could go there and shop first before watching the movie. or we could just take the bus there ourselves. oh no this is ur birthday party not mine. sry.
here is my multimedia blog:
Posted by Anonymous at 9:51 am 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight, Multimedia Blogs
Term 2 Blog #67
Friday, February 09, 2007huh i still didnt ifnish my science fair project although i worked so hard today. gotta finish those equations tmw and get my parents to check them again. muhahahaha im using my parents to help me..
well, at least after i finished with the equations and stuff, all i have to do is cut and paste them. my head's soo itchy. gotta wash my hair soon. its just that im so busy with homework that i dont even have the itme to wash my hair. oh and french too! i hacve a french oral presentation tmw. *memorize memorize memorize* arrgh!!!
i really want to skip chinese school tmw too. i mean, we dont really do anything but read the chapter and do the exercise book. nothing else. i really think its a waste of time. i'll just make up for it at home. really, the teacher just doesnt teach me anything.
my heads spinnin,g i really need a rest. soo tired. finish science finish science gotta finish science before monday. i wonder how karens going to finish hers. she only has 2 days left.
Posted by Anonymous at 11:25 pm 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight
Term 2 Blog #66
Thursday, February 08, 2007my mom is soo much more helpful than my dad. when im strived for time, she actually completes a lot of stuff for me. well, actually, i do the work. she just checks it to make sure its okay. then i am the one who edits it.
theres this big lump under my right foot that has been bothering me since grade 6. very annoying. now its finally gonna come off!!! but theres a week a pain. pain and pain. and limping. i limped for a week. if i didnt take the bus, i would limp to school and back. that's 20 blocks. limp limp limp
ok bye. its midnight
Posted by Anonymous at 11:15 pm 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight
Lesson 19 Win-Win Agreements
LESSON 19: How can you help each other continue to think and practice win-win?
we can help each other continue to think and pracitce win-win by helping each other out, so that we could both win at the same time. like, when you study for a test, you could ask for a friend to test you, and you could test them back. yah..
Posted by Anonymous at 9:37 pm 0 comments
Labels: Grade Eight, Premier GO
Term 2 Blog #65
Wednesday, February 07, 2007i hate this. why do we have restricted blog topics every time we have knitting. the topics are soo boring. well, poverty is very very important, but i dont want to be restricted every other day with this. i am very annoyed
but ok, poverty. its a very sad thing, and unfair too. we have all the food we want, the technology we get is unimaginable for people in third-world countries. we should try to donate as much money and food to them as we can. but why dont we? we think little of them..we're selfish. that's why.
ok that's it. urrrrghh poverty.
now im gonna complain about homework
SCIENCE FAIR IS DUE ON MONDAY!!! AND THE SOCIALS NOTES ARE DUE TMW!!! actually, i finished the socials notes (i did them during math today) o crap i just remembered i didnt do my math homework to do my socials notes. ah well, i'll just do them very quickly with a calculator. its not as if i cant multiply by hand on a test.
SCIENCE FAIR SCIENCE FAIR IM PANICKING!!!! I STILL NEED TO WRITE SOME STUFF AND CHECK ALL OF IT. GUESS HOW MUCH I HAVE TO CHECK OVER, CAREFULLY??? 40 PAGES!!!! AHHHHHH WHY DID I HAVE TO WRITE SO MUCH IN THE FIRST PLACE. ITS NOT LIKE LAST YEAR WHEN I HAD PLENTY OF TIME AND FAKED DOING HOMEWORK ALL THE TIME (im usually watching anime while faking doing homework) but WHY???? NAZE??? (thats japanese for why) DOSHITE??? (another japanese word for why) PORQUOI?????? PORQUOI MOI?? (i think u all understand that) ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! actually, i think a lot of people are under the same pressure as me, but my head is really starting to hurt.
oh and in gymnastics, i twisted my back too much. im gonna have really bad backaches when i grow old, no doubt.
ok, for the science fair project, im just gonna finish my graph, explain what i did, and add a little more to my hypothesis. i didnt write much at all for my hypothesis. its just a shame that i didnt take pictures while doing the experiment. i should remember to do so next time. i did that last year...
ooh darn french oral test on saturday morning. i asked my mom to tell the piano teacher no to come this saturday cuz my science fair project is due on monday. dats a relief. but i still have chinese school. gotta finish that workbook. its soooo hard. i dont think im at that level. whenever i do my workbook, i ask my mom for help. i think i should just drop to a lower level, but i'll regret it when i get to university.
im forgetting so many things these days. homework left:
SOCIALS PROJECT (im sorta finished, sorta not)
SCIENCE (i forgot to hand my drawing of turbulant and laminar flow object into the such an idiot)
oooh did i mention that i finished hikaru no go?? all 75 episodes plus 1-hour special?? and i finished the manga too. the manga went a bit further than the episodes and i finished it tonight. such a disappointing ending. i dont even understand go!! or igo, whichever works. my mom offered to buy me a go/igo board and my dad offered to teach me. i'll play when i have time.
next time, before i start an anime, i'll ask for carmen's opinion. hikaru no go was pretty disappointing, but i had to finish an anime show after i started it. except for got boring. i havent read the manga for such a long time.
this is my longest blog in a long time. its 11:10. sleepy. *yawn* funny, this is almost always the way i end my blogs now. bye!
Posted by Anonymous at 10:53 pm 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight
Term 2 Blog #64
Tuesday, February 06, 2007wow blog 64 already ... so fast. i cant believe the science fair project is due in 5 days. and the socials notes... im dead. very dead. so many subjects to cover, and yet, im stil lnot finished my science fair project yet. i still need to read over a lot of thngs and edit my charts, as well as make 2 new charts. well, i finished painting my background for the poster today though. it took a lot less time than my other boards. i spent probably 10 hours on my heritage fair board and at least 15 hours on my last year's science fair board. but tonight, i only spent 3 hours. it was fast. n i think it looks quite pretty, although it doesnt have naything to do with electricity.
socials...very behind. i didnt even start doing them. actually, i did, with 1 and a half pages of notes, but i have 8 subjects to cover!!! its due on thursday!!! well, at least i finished the science lab and that picture, though i put very little effort into the picture. i think im starting to care much less about making everything perfect. i just want to get things done as s0on as possible. last year, i was soooo perfect. for my science fair project, i had a different font and font size for every title and subtitle. there were lots of subtitles, u should see, i dont care. i think a lot of subtitles have different fonts and sizes. and im more messy this year.
Posted by Anonymous at 10:01 pm 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight
Term 2 Blog #63
Monday, February 05, 2007ok, a paragraph or two on child labour and sweat factories (for mr olson):
I personally am against child labour. actually, i think everyone in their right mind is against it. can u imagine...children 9 years old or younger, working 8 hours a day with little pay?? thats cruel, evil, and an inhumane way to take advantage of the young. i mean, the ppl who emply those children were once youths too right? if they were those children, would they like it if they had to work like that? o geez..
im more against sweat camps than with it. although it produces results faster, the employees are not, n i mean NOT, happy with their job. by job, i mean both pay and working conditions. if the boss just keeps working them hard until they drop, they'll have less ability to work just as hard the next day. if i were them, i would find some way to slack off and not do anything so fast. but some ppl think sweat camps are good...donno y.
Posted by Anonymous at 10:21 pm 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight
Term 2 Blog #62
Sunday, February 04, 2007doing science project. i finally found the equations that can calculate the minimum amount of electrical currents that can break a certain amount of wires. muhhahahahaha . took me 6 hours. with the help of my dad too, though it doesnt look that hard.
i finally have something to do for my conclusion!! hurray for me!!!! wat im doing for my science fair project is basic physics, isnt that cool?? but then, its hard... yup school tmw. i almost forgot. i wish its another sunday tmw or a pro d day so that i can finish my science fair project and just relax (and watch more anime).
karen and i went to a russian orthodox church today. it was dead boring.. the interior was really nice though. we took pictures, conducted an interview, and i recorded some singing. we also played hangman and truth or dare during the service. it was, guess wut, 2 hours long. no wonder we were bored.
im gonna take my shower and go to sleep now. it has been a great day today!! i got lots done. but my mom told me she was getting worried about the bags under my eyes. its 10:37. *yawn* sleepy
Posted by Anonymous at 10:32 pm 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight
Term 2 Blog #61 (Multimedia Blog #10)
Saturday, February 03, 2007doing socials interview with karen. very sleepy *yawn* i'll write longer blogs when i have time. this is a 4 sentence blog, wut a nightmare. not that its a nightmare.
oh its multimedia blog number 10. here is a pic of jessica alba:
Posted by Anonymous at 11:42 pm 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight, Multimedia Blogs
Term 2 Blog #60
Friday, February 02, 2007went to japanese lessons today...need to practice piano. i got my piano results back and they were baaaaad. bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad...i didnt tell my parents yet. i dont intend to tell anyone on the net either. but they were baaad.
i think i'll take the lifeguard lessons and violin lessons in the summer. n i'll stop french school, since it teaches so slowly. im just gonna finish this green book and then i'll stop. so before the summer holidays, i'll only have japanese, chinese, and piano left. since theres no chinese school during the summer holidays, i'll just take violin and swimming in place of it. so that's violin, piano, and japanese. thats not so bad, considering that i'll have nothing to do during the summer but watch anime and do math. i really need to do more math. im supposed to be finished with grade 10 math this year and do grade 11 math during the summer.
theres the science fair project and the socials project due the week after the next!! im soo behind on the socials project. i have around...8 subjects to cover, but i only finished architecture. well, im not quite finished. im more like 3 quarters finished. but i decided that i'll devote my free time tmw (between lessons) and finish my science project. after all, i just have the conclusion and reliability left.
argghhh i still have to practice that study song that i only spent 1.5 hours on this week. i delayed everything sooo much. but i got a lot of anime-watcing done!!! goooo anime!!
Posted by Anonymous at 10:16 pm 0 comments
Labels: Daily Blog Entries, Grade Eight