Term 1 Blog #79

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Friday, November 24th, 2007
1940s- geologists could bascially guess from what time period the rocks came from. There was an archbishop who guessed when the Earth started, and this other guy proposed that u could measure the age of the earth by measuring the amount of salt in the ocean. However, this was impossible to do. The estimate by the archbiship was off by a looot.

everything sucks. i have decided that i neeed to finish rudiments 2 by june. which means, i'll have to finish the rest of preliminary rudiments and rudiements 1 and rudiments 2 in...7 months. actually, i think thats a lot. most likely, i'll finish them before my goal. still, i have a goal.
i also have a goal to memorize the new words and new chinese four-character sayings every weeks. tho i dont think that's gonna continue for many more weeks cuz i dont have much time with the science fair and all. still, im gonna try.
...math is supposed to be in my daily schedule, but somewhow, i decided to ignore it. i dont think i'll be doing very well in math next year cuz of it.