Chapter 5 Section 4 Decine of Medieval Society

Sunday, March 04, 2007

1. Locate: Avignon, Aquitaine, Crecy, Poitiers, Orleans, Reims, Calais.
Avignon: south of France, bu in the Holy Roman Empire
Aquitaine: ??? not on map
Crecy: south of Agincourt
Poitiers: mostly in the center of France
Orleans: mostly in the center of France, more to the north though.
Reims: north western France
Calais: on the top of northern France

2. Identify: Black Death, John Wycliffe, John Huss, Hundred Years' War, Joan of Arc.
Black Death: the bubonic plague, a disease carried by fleas on rats
John Wycliffe: a teacher of theology at Oxford University who questioned the spiritual authority of the Church and encouraged his followers to translate the Bible to English.
John Huss:a person who preached against the corruption in the Church.
Hundred Years' War: A war that broke out when Henry II claimed the French throne.
Joan of Arc: an uneducated girl who lead the French forces to fight back against England.

3. Describe one effect of the Black Death in Western Europe.
It killed about a third of Europe's population.
4. What led Philip IV of France to kidnap the pope?
Philip IV wanted to tax the clergy, but the pope ordered them not to tax. Philip called the first Estates General, and when it ended, Philip kidnapped the pope.
5. Why did the Church lose prestige and power during the late Middle Ages?
There were humiliations that the Churchil suffered. For example, there was one when two competing popes wer eelected: one in Avignon, and the other in Rome.
6. How did new technology help the English in the Hundred Years' War?
There were new weapons such as the longbow and cannons. The longbow shot more accurately, and cannons could blast through walls.
7. List one result of the Hundred Years War:
a. in France
the French emerged with a growing sense of national pride. They developed a strong loyalty to their king.
b. in England
a civil war broke out.