Term 1 Blog #26

Sunday, September 30, 2007

my fever went down, my headache went do, but GUESS WHAT? the mucus in my nose and throat have gone waay up in density and yellowness. eeww... when they come out, they dont flatten out like water does, they stay a yellow, slimy blob in the middle of the sink, refusing to budge even when i turn the water tap on. uurrgh..
ive officially given up grey's anatomy. noooo way am i gonna watch that show again. there have been soo many break-ups between meredith and derek, its painful to watch. i prefer shows that are light-hearted and funny, not full of angyst, anguish, and anxiety. hey all these words start with "an"! is an- a root for something that makes ur heart suffer to no end? uurggh
im gonna go to school tmw, with a camping chair. i dont wanna sit on the floor while eating lunch anymore. a camping chair is much more suitable, dont u think?


Anonymous said...

u just described ur mucus to mr.olsen
btw i'm reading ur blog cuz i'm soo soo sooo soo soo bored

the other cooments are from me too