Term 2 Blog #68

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Geez this is sad. on saturday, sunday, and today, ive played 1 and a half hours of piano. i think the time i spend playing the piano is going to increase day by day. i feel a little sad. somehow, i have this overwhelming feeling to try to get over 85% on my exam. i dont know why! i practice and practice...quite HARD. aargh. actually, i think i noe why i wanna get over 85%. its cuz my teacher always gushes about her student (who is male) that got exactly 85% and did this and that. aargh. IM GOING TO GET HIGHER THAN THAT ANONOMOUS POMPOUS BOY, YOU'LL SEE!
meanwhile, i shall try to memorize my 12 lines in taming of the shrew.