Term 3 Blog #56

Monday, April 30, 2007

i slept from 6 to 9 today. it felt good. now, i ahve to study more science. seriously, its hard. well, not that hard. i think i have it memorized already. but just in case, im gonna practice on this blog.

The Animal Kingdom
1. Porifera - Sponges (filter feeder & sessile)
2. Cnideria - 1) polyps - sea anamone 2) medusa - jellyfish 3) corals release calcium carbonate
- all are nematocysts, release darts and stinging cells
3. Platyhelminthes - flatworms
4. Molluks - 1) Bivalvia - clams, oysters, mussels 2) Gastropods - snails, slugs 3) Cephlopods - squids, octopi, cuttlefish
5. Annelioa - segmented worms, highly evolved
6. Echinodermata - pentaradial symmetry - sea stars, sea urchins, sand dollars, sea cucumbers
7. Cordata - 1) Invertebrate - Launcelets, Tunicates (have notocords, which are rigid support structures that protect the dorsal nerve cord) 2) Vertebrate - Agnatha, Osteoicthyes, Condraicthyes, Aves, Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians (have spines, vertebrae)

Evolutionary Fitness - the ability to survive and reproduce (pass on genes)
Adaptation - genetic traits / characteristics that increase fitness
Species - a group of organisms that can sucessfully interbreed and produce fertile offspring

The Wallace and Darwin Theory of Evolution
1) Populations increase at an exponential rate
2) In nature, population remain constant
3) There is always a struggle of existence
4) There is always variation within a species
5) Some traits are more favourable than others
6) Those traits survive, reproduce, and pass on genes