"An Inconvenient Truth" Terms and Questions

Sunday, December 17, 2006

1. Canary in a Coal Mine

A canary is used as a gas-testing subject in mines. Miners place canaries into coal mines to see if there is enough oxygen in the air. If the canaries die, that means that there was poisoned air or there wasn't enough oxygen.

2. Anomaly

Something that is not normal or is departed from a common order, form or rule. In the last few years, there have been carbon dioxide abnomalies in the atmosphere.

3. Concensus

An agreement in a group or community, or a theory/practice that needs to reach an agreement.

4. Hurricane

(can also be called typhoons or cyclones depending on where hurricane originates) Hurrianes are rotatory storms that form in the ocean.

5. Ocean Current

The different directions that ocean waters move; some are warm, others are cold

6. plate tectonics

Large plates that slowly slide over each other over a period of time, causing earthquakes

7. Ice age

A period of time when the temperature drops very low on earth. The last ice age took place 10,000 years ago.

8. Glacier

A large sheet/chunk of ice

9. Carbon capture and sequestration

A method of confining carbon and then storing it under the earth’s surface so that it would not reach the atmosphere.

10. Greenhouse gases

A blanket in the earth’s atmosphere that prevents some of the sun’s rays from bouncing off the earth. It is thickened by the pollution we produce, so more rays get trapped under the atmosphere.

11. Peer reviewed journal

A journal or a book that has been examined by a specialists in that specific area before it is published.

12. Baby boom

A period after World War II when there was a huge population increase. A lot of couples waited to get married or to get babies after the war was over, resulting in a huge birth rate increase.

13. Permafrost

Ice in the arctic or Antarctica that never melts, not even in the summer.

14. Coral reef

A type of coral skeleton that lives on the sea ground. It is home to the coral polyps as well as many fishes pollution and over-fishing has caused coral bleaching, and as corals die, the fishes and polyps that live in it die as well.

15. Kyoto protocol

An improvement of the international agreement on climate change and pollution set by the United Nations.

16. What are we already doing about the problem of global warming?

The government is issuing new laws to protect our environment, and a lot of us are recycling, reusing, and composting organic garbage. Prominent leaders and business leaders changed their POV’s and tries to control the pollution that they’re putting into the air. The government is also using new technology to clean up oil spills.

17. Who should solve the problem of global warming, and why?

I think all of us are involved in the problem of global warming. Everyone has to play a part in reducing the pollution. If only the US Prime Minister works very hard on it, but does not get the cooperation of his people, it will not be very effective.

18. What observations have you made during your lifetime to confirm global warming is taking place? What changes have your parents seen during their lifetimes. What changes have your grandparents seen during their life times. You have to interview them!!!!

My grandparents and parents have seen a river in China turn from clear water to murky water with dead fish. Then, just in the last couple of years, my grandparents saw that the lake water was slowly turning clear again. I’ve seen myself that lots of factories have been putting out pollution.

19. What are the more complex changes that need to be made to reverse the global climate changes that have happened already?

Some of us are more concerned about the economy than the earth. There is no economy without earth, however. I think a law should be issued on how much pollution a factory is allowed to put out in the air per day and a better method of getting rid of carbon dioxide is needed. Also, we need to plant many more trees. Lots of animals are dying because of the lack of trees, as well as more forest fires.

20. Find two good websites about global warming.



21. Write and send a letter to your Premier about your concerns about global warming.


Global warming has been making drastic changes in the environment. If this goes on, the earth would be no more and we would have to migrate to other planets if it actually is possible.

I think you should do a premier go lesson on how we should protect the environment. It’s protecting ourselves and others, in a way. Begin with the end in minds. The destruction of earth is the ultimate end if we don’t start protecting it soon.



22. Watch the evening news, count the number of times that global warming is mentioned. If the answer is zero, call the station and ask to speak to the producer.

3 times

23. Email all of your friends and encourage them to see the movie "An Inconvenient Truth"


24. Engage your friends in a dialogue about global warming.
