Term 3 Blog #63

Monday, May 07, 2007

i ended up in vivian's and kia's group for science. kia doesnt do anything. me and vivian do all the work. its equivalent to a 2-person group. and kia still gets our mark.
i have a strings test tmw, but im playing with yan and ziran, so im not that worried. tho i still have to memorize it.. they play it really fast, i dont think i can keep up. ah well, im gonna get a violin teacher in the summer.
i wonder wat karen is doing right now. she must be having fun. tho shes not replying to my emails. joy asked me whether i want to go shopping with her on victoria day with sympascho and a group of a whole bunch of ppl. i'll go if karen goes. actually, she said she'll ask shortie to come. i half hope that he'll come, half hope the he wont. i mean, it's gonna be so embarrasing to see him, but if i dont see him, i would be sad.