Term 1 Blog #55

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

black day tmw. lol. but still black day.
i have my socials presentation tmw, as well as my english speech and my science test. fun? really.
i feel sorry for those people who have the applied skills presentation in addition to all the things listed above. seriously, tmw is the day that all our projects are due. well, its like the MY hand-in-homework day.
ive been studying hard for science after i finished my 2-hour nap today. i feel ever so refreshed :D but i didnt play piano at all. really, i already passed 4 days without practicing piano, i dont see how im gonna make up for it by friday. maybe i should persuade my mom that it's halloween and i should get a day off from my overloading homework plus piano. after all, i DID have all those things due tmw.
arrrrgh theres so much socials homework now!! even though mr martin marks very fairly, he gives SOOO much homework!! ms hu gives a bit of HARD homework, and HARD tests, but mr martin gives a LOT of homework that we can quite easily do (i shall emphasize the A LOT part of it again). and when he gives a lot of homework, we have A LOT to memorize.
arrrgh english civil war notes due in a week. less than a week in fact. and i havent even started. how nice!!! it's my procrastination (again).
however, that is my only piece of homework other than reviewing for my chinese exam and the exercise for french school. oh and math homework and the PE sheets we have to read on the heart. that's not so bad. :D