Term 1 Blog #55

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

black day tmw. lol. but still black day.
i have my socials presentation tmw, as well as my english speech and my science test. fun? really.
i feel sorry for those people who have the applied skills presentation in addition to all the things listed above. seriously, tmw is the day that all our projects are due. well, its like the MY hand-in-homework day.
ive been studying hard for science after i finished my 2-hour nap today. i feel ever so refreshed :D but i didnt play piano at all. really, i already passed 4 days without practicing piano, i dont see how im gonna make up for it by friday. maybe i should persuade my mom that it's halloween and i should get a day off from my overloading homework plus piano. after all, i DID have all those things due tmw.
arrrrgh theres so much socials homework now!! even though mr martin marks very fairly, he gives SOOO much homework!! ms hu gives a bit of HARD homework, and HARD tests, but mr martin gives a LOT of homework that we can quite easily do (i shall emphasize the A LOT part of it again). and when he gives a lot of homework, we have A LOT to memorize.
arrrgh english civil war notes due in a week. less than a week in fact. and i havent even started. how nice!!! it's my procrastination (again).
however, that is my only piece of homework other than reviewing for my chinese exam and the exercise for french school. oh and math homework and the PE sheets we have to read on the heart. that's not so bad. :D

Term 1 Blog #54

Monday, October 29, 2007

yay!!! so much homework finished!!! all i have to do now is finish that essay on "Justified Actions" and study for the science test!! oh wait..i'll still have to ask Ms. Hu about the science fair...and write a big bang article on napping. oh english civil war notes too...this sucks. here i am, thinking that devoting my whole sunday to homework would make me homework-free. it certainly doesnt.
really...there is no part of the year when im homework-free. at all. there is always one project or another. i would really like one day with no stress. no piano, no french, no chinese, no homework, no theory, no anything. that would be soo nice. actually, i had that for 2 months during the summer, but that doesn't count! it was supposed to be the "resting" month.
anyways, here is my summary for the book on everything.
Lots of people went all over the world to measure something, I don't remember what it is. This guy spent 9 years of his life in another country trying to prove something that was already proven. After he returned to England, his family had already sold all his estate because they thought he was dead.

Term 1 Blog #53

Sunday, October 28th, 2007
soooooooo much homework.
today, i went over to thanusan's house to do homework. actually, he virtually did the whole powerpoint. i just sat there, studying science.
i came back at around 4 oclock, and did my english speech. then, i tried studying science again. i also did my annotative bibliography.

Term 1 Blog #52 (Multimedia Blog #8)

Saturday, October 27th, 2007
YAY!! today, i am exactly 14 years and 3 months old. :D:D i feel oold. 27 has always been a special number to me.
it turns out that, in the chinese test, there wont be much need to study during the week, but there will be a looong essay to write as well as a looong part to read. i suck at those. if it were english, i would have been very happy it was like that. or i would be indifferent. but in chinese, nooooooo. i suck. so much.
It's multimedia blog today. I would like to compare pictures of the simplified chinese world "ai" (meaning love), with the traditional.

the one on the top is the simplified, and the one on the bottom is traditional. see the missing part? the part with three dots on top and roundish look on the bottom? it looks like this:

this little word inside the tranditional word (which they have omitted in the simplified), means HEART. What is love without a heart? do you think simplified words make sense? This is my arguement that traditional words are better (and make more sense) than simplified words. also, they're a lot prettier. don't u agree? traditional words are more pretty. and pictureistic.

Term 1 Blog #51

Friday, October 26, 2007

arrrrghhhhhhhhh fricken SCIENCE, SOCIALS, AND ENGLISH. THEY GIVE A NEVER-ENDING STREAM OF PROJECTS FOR US TO DO!! this just pisses me off soooooooo much. AHH NOOOO TWO SWEAR WORDS!!! IVE GONE OVER MY LIMIT FOR A MONTH!!! actually, i dont have a limit, but im pretty sure my maximum was 2 swear words per month (excluding darn and damn; i say those quite often, but not in an offending way. i say it sometimes instead of "oh no!" or "aarrgh"). i really dont know how im gonna find the time to finish all this. plus my chinese mid-term exam is next week too. i guess most things would be finished by the end of this week. and we'll have another large stream of projects from MY classes. theres never EVER EVER a large stream of french, math, strings, or PE homework. well, for PE, thats obvious, and as for math and french, theres only 10 minutes of homework each class. i can practice string whenever i feel like. actually, i dont practice much at all, but i should. i will. and i will do theory. theory is very important. if i pass grade 2 rudiments, i'll get my grade 8 certificate. and after i pass grade 5...analysis, harmony, and counterpoint, i'll get my grade 10 certificate. actually, i havent done the practical for grade 10 yet. But doing all these exams will earn me a total for 8 credits. thats a lot.

Term 1 Blog #50

Thursday, October 25, 2007

wow, fifty blog entries. i feel old already.
mr olson, here is my paraphrase for what you read to us today:
Neweton fought with Leibnez for the crediation of inventing calculus. He also proved that the earth was not entirely round.
One of the people who tried to find the circumference of the earth by using trigonometry. He measured a part of the earth and when he calculated the distance, he was only 600 yards off. His two daughters married off to bad husbands and that fact added to his depression.
Another guy also tried to find the circumference of the earth by pretending that the earth is completely round (which it is not, as Newton already proved).
That's all I remember about what you read today, Mr. Olson.

Term 1 Blog #49

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

this is what happens when a person in a group project doesnt cooperate. i think thanusan thinks michael, kelly, and i are people to be ignored. really, the nerve of him!!!

Term 1 Blog #48

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

ever heard of a guy called luigi boccherini? weird name isnt it? bet its german. oh wait...its italian.
anyways, he composed a minuet that i really like. u noe the 649 comercial with 2 rich people sitting on two of those golden old-england chairs that kings sit on? well, the song in the background is the one im talking about.
anyways, i saw this song in my suzuki violin book, and decided to play it. after playing it for a while, i looked up the piano version on the internet. honestly, violin is sooo much easier to sight-read than piano!! it took me around 2 hours to perfect the song, and even then, its not really perfected PERFECTED. if u catch my meaning.
anyways, my mom and dad are gonna be mad i havent gone to bed yet. bye!

Term 1 Blog #47

Monday, October 22, 2007

its monday again....and i soon have to finish my socials project. we really need to get going. THANUSAN IS NOT DOING ANYTHING!! he just wont meet up with us, and if he cant cooperate, then we wont be able to get anything done!! aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh
THANUSAN, IF URE READING THIS, (but i dont think there is a slight possibility that u are) PLEASE CONSIDER HOW ANGRY I AM BEFORE SAYING "oh, i can't come today because my mom isn't home. and you cant come to my house either, because my dad's home." THANK YOU VERY MUCH. DOES UR EXCUSE EVEN MAKE SENSE???

Term 1 Blog #47

Sunday, October 21, 2007

I did a lot of work today...im glad i finished everything :D:D ...

Term 1 Blog #46 (Mutimedia Blog #7)

Saturday, October 20, 2007

chinese school, french school today. my chinese exam is in two weeks. gotta study. and i need to finish my science fair proposal. pu-ru-po-sa-ru puruposaru. does that sound like proposal? im trying to make a japanese word for proposal. u noe, announcer is a-n-na-u-n-sa-a annaunsaa in japanese. and disneyland is di-su-ni-la-n-do-u disunilandou :D i love these wonderful translations.
its a multimedia blog day! heres a picture i took on thursday, during the field trip.

Term 1 Blog #45

Friday, September 19th, 2007
YEAH!! PRO-D DAY TODAY!!! i love pro d days. they are soo relaxing!!! i didnt do any ANY work at all :D:D. i love the relaxing-ness of pro-d days. now, i shall continue my relaxing instead of writing this.

Term 1 Blog #44

Thursday, October 18, 2007

yahhh i finished my socials summary!! i'll have to memorize approximately what it is and i'll be almost set for my presentation next week!! as for my applied skills...im pretty sure i know what to say. yup...

Term 1 Blog #43

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

yay i feel happy!!! tmw's the double field trip day!!! and friday's a pro-d day!!! whhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! u know what? i should have gotten all my homework done today. instead, i took a nap and read fanficiton. i really should have done my work...ahh well, i'll finish it ALL tomorrow. i NEED to finish them tomorrow.

"A Short History of Nearly Everything" summary & Term 1 Blog #42

Tuesday, October 16th, 2007
Mr Olson, you need us to summarize what u read to us during applied skills today right? here it is.
There's a guy called Bouguer in the lease pleasant science school called the Royal French Academy of Sciences. in 1735, ppl tried to figure out how old, how big the earth was, and how it hung in space. A person measured 200 miles around the earth, and everyone became hectic.
A guy called Edmung Halley, sea captain, astronomer invented a map. He also wrote about opium and was a devoted alchemist. Halley and Rein talked about celetial objects circling in an elipse. 40 shillings were given to anyone who can explain why. Cook said he knew but won't tell anyone. Halley went to Cambridge to talk to Newton. Newton built his own lab. _________ (dont remember name) stared at sun for longest time possible. He got away with it, but had to stay in a dark room for a few days. He also stuck a needle through his eye to ssee what happens. He studied calculas in highschool and didnt tell anyone for 3 years, and devoted most of his life on alchemy.

Term 1 Blog #41

Monday, October 15, 2007

too tired to write. i'll write more tmw morning.

Term 1 Blog #40

Sunday, October 14, 2007

yayay!! my parents bought more stuff!! they bought a hundred dollars' worth of shoes for me!! (thats two shoes by the way) yay!!!! oh and we went out to a restaurant to eat breakfast by the way. i havent done that since the end of summer. it felt goood. having a car = spending more money. its true. my parents got 10,000 dollars when they crashed their car in february. and they also got a year's worth of monthly bus cards. they didnt have to pay for insurance and gas anymore. thats a lot of money. but the price of that is the time wasted to get between places. take me for example. it takes me an hour to get to chinese school and back. it also takes 30 minutes to get to french school and back.
anyhooo (haha, im copying anne now) my mom gave me her two-zone monthly bus card and told me that i could take the bus to school for the rest of the month. i told her i wanted to sell it and take the money instead. she said ok. note - that bus card is worth 52 dollars today, 49 dollars tmw, 46 dollars on tuesday, etc.. somebody better buy it soon or its gonna loose its worth altogether.

Term 1 Blog #39 (Multimedia Blog #6)

Saturday, October 13th, 2007
Horray!!! MY PARENTS FINALLY BOUGHT A CAR!! after 7 months of not having a car, here i am, with a CAR!! ok that sounds stupid. but the idea is, we have a car again!!! its a blue corolla. yup..i wont say anything else.
i had french school today...then i had to go see my doctor at 12:30. since my doctor's office is in china town, and i had chinese school nearby at 3:15, i decided to stay there for a while. actually, i stayed in tinseltown. i spent 4 dollars on bubbletea, 2 dollars and a bit more on apple tarts, another 2 dollars and a bit more on mcdonald's, and another 4 dollars on a pencilcase and a file case. thats 13 dollars in total. i was bored out of my mind, believe me. although i brought my social studies to look at, it was soooo boring.
then i went to chinese school. it was boring too. and i got a load of homework. 7 pages of exercise, a re-write of my essay without mistakes, memorization of around 20 words, the copying of definitions, and the copying of the words that i have to memorize.
i had no idea before chinese school that my parents were going to look at a car. but after chinese school, they phoned me, and just said "dont take the bus today. wait for ur dad outside. hes driving a blue corolla."
and thats how they broke it to me. that they bought a car.
its multimedia blog today...here is a picture of newton.

Term 1 Blog #38

Friday, October 12, 2007

i finished soooooo much work today!! AND i watched a whole movie!! yay!! it was called the convenant. ever heard of it? it was pretty scary...lucky i watched it in the afternoon, with the sun beating on me.
well, in total, i have got a good understanding of the civil war in ivory coast today by reading a wikipedia artical CAREFULLY. and i mean carefully. i read it slowly to make sure i got every sentence. it took at least an hour to read 7 pages. oh and i highlited some things.
i also read half of the assigned socials homework. remember the timeline we were supposed to work on? i finished about half of it. well, it didnt take that long, but i finished a bit!
i also finished my chinese essay, which didnt take long, considering the amount of time i took to do my chinese essays in grade 6. now it takes 2 hours long...which is still long, but not as long as before...
my science homework is almost finished except for one question.
my isaac newton powerpoint is done, as is half of the script im reading from.
i finished memorizing my french school oral presentation.
i didnt play piano. that's the only thing i DIDNT do.

Term 1 Blog #37

Thursday, October 11, 2007

YAY!! I FINISHED SIX LAPS TODAY!!! i feel so happy!!!! i mean, i only did 8 seconds worse than the beginning of grade 8. at the end of grade 8, i was doing around 1 minute worse. i have no idea why whatsoever. but i hope i'll improve.
today, i slammed the door of my locker into my thumb. now it's bruised. there's a thick black line under my fingernail that blobs up. my mom called the piano teacher and told her not to come. YAY!! no piano this week!!! now...as for my chinese essay...

Term 1 Blog #36

Thursday, October 10th, 2007
oooooh i really gotta get working on ivory coast. its due in two weeks. im gonna go over to kelly's this weekend, probably. i havent cleared it up with her, but we all should meet somewhere.
i really should start my etude. i havent played it during the weekend, and ive got to pack it all down before friday. >< gonna play right now

Term 1 Blog #35

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

i went to a jounior reach for the top game in david thompson today. i suck. BADLY. i think i suck the most. in the WHOLE GAME, i answered a total of...GUESS WHAT...5 questions!
i think im gonna study for reach for teh top. so far, i memorizied the capital cities and countries in central america. im fine with north america. duh. US and canada...oh actually, i still need to look up US and Canadian presidents. and flowers...oooooooooh gosh theres so much to do. i'll just do a bit everyday. i actually enjoy doing it.

Term 1 Blog #34

Monday, October 08, 2007

i finished studying for socials. i just hope i dont have to run langara tmw. i'd die if i did.

Term 1 Blog #33

Sunday, October 07, 2007

ooooooooooooooooh bored.........
soooooo very bored.....
im gonna finish reading "the curious incident of the dog in the night-time" today. its quite interesting actually, but i would prefer science fiction.

Term 1 Blog #32 (Multimedia Blog #5)

Saturday, October 06, 2007

aaaaawwwwwwww today was exhausting.
when i got back from chinese school, i took the wrong bus. instead of taking the 17 OAK, i took the 17 UBC. i ended up in the middle of UBC before i realized, right across from the "University Chapel".. i went inside, borrowed a cellphone, and called my parents. my dad told me to take the 41st to joyce then turn 17 oak. i decided to keep on taking the 17 UBC till i reached the main stop.
aaaaaaaarghhh its gonna take too long to explain. and ppl will get bored. basically, chinese school stopped at 5:45, i took the wrong buses (but made it back in the end), my parents worried themselves to death, i came back 3 hours later, and they decided that mexico would be too dangerous for me. the end.
its a multimedia blog today. here is a picture of my teeth right after my braces were taken off. arent they straight??

Term 1 Blog #31

Friday, October 05, 2007

my mom and dad said i could go to mexico, but only if i could prove that its safe. they said mexico is a very dangerous place, and i could be abducted at any time. they also added in the fact that mexico is significantly poorer than canada, with people who speak spanish. so...all in all, they want mr olson to switch the place we're going. can you please consider going to somewhere else? i dont think my parents will let me go anywhere but europe and the US. or australia and new zealand. frankly, i agree with my parents. its quite dangerous for me to go into another country without either my mom or dad.

Term 1 Blog #30

Thursday, October 04, 2007

karen and anne forced me to watch a walk to remember today. well, they didnt have to foce me past the trailer. it was soooo good. still watching it now. im watching it for the second time now.

Term 1 Blog #29

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

im still coughing like crazy. i donno if this flue is ever going away. I hope it does, for my throat's sake. and for my body's sake, for my lungs' sake, for my health's sake, for my life's sake...etc.
i finally ofund a science fair project!!! i think its a bit too easy tho, but ms hu gave the okay sign. im gonna look for another one nonetheless. I won't begin my writeup until im sure i want to do this, and that i can analyse it properly enough to get me a decent mark.
our socials test was quite hard today, actually. for once, i wasnt sure about some of the questions on the test. i hope i can get an A this term.

Term 1 Blog #28

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

aaargh still coughing. you were right, mr olson, i should enjoy my youth while it lasts. i should not worry about the distant future, and take one day at a time. and what my mind is on right now is my flu. my horribly frightening flu. my absolutely wonderful flu. my phrases condradict each other, but you understand me nonetheless.
mrs blake made us play football in the POURING RAIN today!! its was not a drizzle, not a shower, but a ... you guessed it ... THUNDERSTORM. we could have been struck by lightning, if there had been lightning. well, maybe not. but the kids under the trees who were hiding from the rain while their classmates did 6 laps would have been. we were out in the open - on the oval soccer field. hoooow nice. we love you mrs blake! we got to feel the pleasure of playing football in the wonderfully wet and non-muddy grass while the not-so-heavy rain floated past us!

Term 1 Blog #27

Monday, October 01, 2007

oooh 27th blog, my favourite number.
Looking back at my old pictures, i realize how cute i was, and how old i am now. i mean, why do i have to grow old??? cant i just stay cute forever?? ive been complaining about gettin old a lot lately. im only 14, and im complaining about getting old. oh well, gotta study for socials test on wednesday.