Term 3 Blog #89

Friday, June 01, 2007

ive always known that dani was a little unkind, but amy...i think dani had a lot of influence over amy's behavior over this school year. ever since she became friends with dani, she's been a little meaner. there was a little bit of maliciousness in her voice, as if she thinks shes so great and all that.. i had an encounter with her as i walked home from school:
dani: you look so sweaty.
me: i had langara
dani: what was ur time:
me: i dont wanna tell.
amy: that means that she got bad
what's wrong with her?? she said it as if i werent there. i felt so angry :@ so i said
"amy, u can assume i got a bad time. assume all you want."
YOU BRAT i never thought i'll say this about amy, but shes just getting a little full of herself.