Chapter 3 Section 3 Life on the Manor

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

1. Identify: three-field system, trial by combat, trial by ordeal.
Three-field system: a system that peasants use to make sure that their soil won't dry out every year.
Trial by combat: when a knight challenges another knight in a battle.
Trial by ordeal: a trial involving a physical test.
2. Define: manor, serf, demesne, bailiff.
manor: the lands aministered by a lord.
serf: peasants who were tied to the land
demesne: the land of a lord
bailiff: an agent who managed the lord's smaller estates
3. a. List two duties a lord had toweard his peasants.
He is supposed to protect his peasants and provide justice through the manor court.
b. List three obligations a peasant owed the lord.
Peasants spend 3 days a week working for the lord. They had to pay rent for the land they farmed on. They also had to pay fees to use the mill and for grinding grain.
4. How did the three-field system make farming more efficient?
the soil won't dry.
5. Describe two customs that influenced feudal justice.
There was trial by order and trial by combat.